Honors and Awards

September 2021: Inducted into Colorado Authors Hall of Fame

Recipient of the “2001 Distinguished Article Award” from the Army Historical Foundation for “The Liberation of Dachau,” which appeared in the March 2000 issue of World War II magazine.
Finalist, 2021 Distinguished Article Award for “A Short, Sharp Engagement,” which appeared in the Summer 2021 issue of WWII Quarterly.
Military Book Club’s “Main Selection” nominated for MBC’s Book of the Year Award (for The Rock of Anzio, February 1998).
Finalist, 2006 Colorado Book Awards (sponsored by Colorado Endowment for the Humanities) for Given Up For Dead.
Given Up For Dead selected for the “community reading” by the Tulsa (OK) City-County Library System and the Tulsa Council for Holocaust Education – 2008.
2006 BRLA Southwest Book Award (for Distant Bugles, Distant Drums).
Military Book Club’s “Featured Selection” for December 2007 (for The Depths of Courage).
First Place, 2011 “Stars and Flags” book awards in the Non-Fiction/Subject Specific category (for The Depths of Courage).
Finalist, 2008 Colorado Book Awards (sponsored by Colorado Endowment for the Humanities) for Capt. Jepp and the Little Black Book.
2010 Gold Medal for Literary Fiction awarded by the Military Writers Society of America for Internal Conflicts.
Honorable Mention, 2011 “Stars and Flags” “Stars and Flag” book awards in the Fiction category (for Internal Conflicts).
Finalist, 2010 Colorado Book Awards (sponsored by Colorado Endowment for the Humanities) for Turbulence Before Takeoff.
Second Place, 2011 “Stars and Flags” “Stars and Flag” book awards in the Non-Fiction/Subject Specific category (for If Chaos Reigns).
Military Book Club’s “Featured Selection” for June 2011 (for If Chaos Reigns).
Tied for First Place, 2011 “Stars and Flags” book awards in the Non-Fiction/Biography category (for The Beasts of Buchenwald).
Finalist, 2011 Colorado Book Awards (sponsored by Colorado Endowment for the Humanities) for The Beasts of Buchenwald.
Finalist, 2012 Midwest Book Awards (for The Beasts of Buchenwald)
Finalist, 2013 Eric Hoffer Award, Montaigne Medal (for The Beasts of Buchenwald)
Silver Medal, 2016 Independent Publishers Book Award – Best Regional Non-Fiction (for Buchenwald: Hell on a Hilltop)
Military Book Club’s Featured Selection (for Desperate Valour: Triumph at Anzio)January 2019.